What is the Gospel?

The Gospel translates from Ancient Greek as ‘good news’ or ‘good tidings.’ The Gospel isn’t a book of the New Testament; it’s the good news about God’s plan for salvation concerning humanity.

The true nature of this good news becomes apparent when one realizes their inability to help themselves and acknowledges their own sinfulness. A person who hasn’t reached this understanding of themselves isn’t able to truly appreciate the Good News.

This is why God reveals Himself and His attitude towards sin and sinners in the Bible. Scripture states that God demands absolute holiness; a minimal passing grade isn’t sufficient. God’s passing grade is righteousness. Before God, a person is either righteous or unrighteous; there are no other options.

You might say, ‘But there are no righteous or holy people!’ This is where the Gospel begins. The good news tells us that God sent His Son into the world to die for our sins. Jesus Christ came to die for my unrighteousness and grant me His righteousness.

In theology, this is called ‘The Great Exchange.’ This occurs when I believe/trust in God. Thus, I am clothed in the righteousness of Christ and become righteous and holy in the eyes of God.

This process is sealed by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If Christ hadn’t risen, all this would remain religious philosophy. But Christ is risen and has affirmed the power to save through His resurrection!

For our sake, He made Him who knew no sin tobe sin, so that in Him, we might become the righteousness of God.

2 Corinthians 5:21

To dive deeper into the Gospel and God’s plan for salvation, reach us at: [phone number].